Saturday, January 14, 2006

What Do You Do When Your Pet is Obese?

So you have just verified with your veternarian that your animal is indeed overweight. It is time to confess and take some responsibility. That is really the first step. We are far more responsible for our pets’ weight issues than we may believe.

Take a quick peak at this fat checklist and take note of the statements that

apply to you and your animal.
1:Your dog or cat is an indoor animal which eats, sleeps and snacks virtually all day long.
2:You take your dog or puppy out on ultra-fast walks for potty and rush him or her right back into the house. You rarely take him or her around the block for decent exercise.
3: You indulge your dog by giving him/her treats whenever those wanting eyes look your way, without cever onsidering the ingredients or the number of calories.
4:You feed your pet too much, refilling the dish after it is emptied, never thinking about the amount that you are actually feeding.
5:You have a multi cat household and some cats end up eating more than the others.
6:You live in a small apartment that does not have much room for your cat or dog to run about.
7:You feed your cats and dogs food just because, whether or not they are really hungry.
8:You never play with your cat and she has no other kittens or cats in the household to play with
9: You lavish your pet with lots and lots of treats out of pure guilt to compensate for all those long hours at work

It should be noted that Monitoring your fat cat's food consumption can be particularly difficult in multi-cat households where only 1 of the household cats is fat.

He or she probably got that way initially by consuming the other cats' food as well as his/her own. Perhaps the easiest solution is to simply feed set meals in different rooms and remove any uninjested food after the cats have lost interest in their meal. Alright, say that you have tried this and your cats just will not seem to cooperate. This is normal.

Cats, more than some animals, are really creatures of habit. It may take 2 or even 3 tries, carrying your cat and the food into the new eating room. No matter what room it is, make it comfortable for them, even if it is the bathroom. Put down a place mat, close the toilet seat, put on a light and maybe even place down a towel for your cat.

Ryan Joseph is a researcher and writer. For Pet Nutrition information visit Life's Abundance Premium Dog Food as well as Life's Abundance Cat Food, Premium


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